Monday, March 1, 2010


Hello! And welcome to the Unrepentant Greenatarian! My name is Leslie and I began cooking for my partner, Brent, and I last week after I suffered a broken leg from a bicycle accident. Since drivers can use their vehicles at night, I made the decision to bike after dark, and since I have a equal right to the road wearing anything I want, I wore Brent's camouflage Gore Tex anorak. My earth-raping assailant claims she "didn't see me", however my attorney thinks otherwise.

After considering how much healing power organic and locally-grown foods have, I made the decision to share my recipes and ideas with the rest of the world.

Brent, our shelter-saved cat Hemp Knot IV, and I live outside Fort Collins, Colorado. I have lived here my entire life, and in fact have only left the state once for a trip to Burning Man in 2006. So, when I talk about the fruits of mother Colorado, I think I know what I'm talking about!

You may be wondering what a Greenatarian is. Well, I don't think it's enough to be simply "vegan" or "vegetarian", because those terms give license to consume foods that have been produced unethically. By being Greenatarian one enjoys only those foods that have been created using ethical means, such as sustainable farming.

I'll be posting a few recipes later, as I have to bring Hemp Knot IV (also a greenatarian!) to the vet!


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