Wednesday, March 3, 2010

Animal Companion Food

Hello! Sorry I didn't get to this yesterday, I was busy going all over town gathering ingredients for greenatarian animal companion food for Hemp Knot.

But let me backtrack, and explain what happened at the vet. The "doctor" said that Hemp Knot seemed skinny and lethargic to her, and then tried to push samples (not unlike a meth dealer) of cruel dead-animal-consumption-industry product. When I told her that my animal companion was a greenatarian like me she began to parrot the same lies that ArcherDanielsMidland and ConAgra want you to believe: that cats are carnivores. While I was calmly explaining to her about the greenatarian movement and how it applied to all of G*d's creatures, she rudely impeded my right to free speech by threatening to call the Death Squad (Humane Society). So I scooped up Hemp Knot's frail body and marched out!

THEN Hemp Knot, in a fit of delirium--no doubt due to the doctor's bad attitude--lept from my arms and tried to have an argument with a ferret in the waiting room. Since I don't believe in leashes, collars and "pet carriers", it was difficult to convince her to come away from the ferret, but the ferret's little boy was able to quickly stuff the little guy into its cage. Hemp Knot, exhausted by the day's offensive events slept the whole way home, and sought refuge under the stairs. I still haven't seen her, even though it's been two days, but I know she's OK, because I can hear her gentle rattly snores.

See, when I look into Hemp Knot's weapy eyes I know that she is not a killer. When preparing animal companion food, first take into mind where the ingredients originated. While it's tempting to buy something like Vegepet,, the company, Harbingers of a New Age, fools consumers into thinking that what they're feeding their animal companions ethically sound food. However they make it clear on their web site that the vitamin D in their food is naturally only found in animal products, and that they derive their vitamin D from yeast. Yeast aren't animals?! Are they not alive?! I don't subscribe to the idea that only cute animals deserve respect.

Anyway, here is my recipe for Greenatarian Animal Companion Food, which I've based on PETA's information here, . However, I do not add supplements.

1 cup cooked organic-locally-grown-ethically-sound lentils
1 cup cooked organic-locally-grown-ethically-sound brown rice
2 cups raw organic-locally-grown-ethically-sound chopped tomatoes

Mix all ingredients together, and serve to your animal companion! That easy! Hemp Knot IV loves it so much that she often swipes at me when I bring it to her, and she eats it with so much gusto and relish that she usually upchucks a little bit later on. So, serve this to your animal companion and know that you are one step closer to a Greenatarian Shangri-La!

PS, I've gotten a lot of emails asking if I was using a headlamp on my bike that night of my accident, and NO I was NOT! Bike lights contain mercury which is toxic to the environment.

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